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Letter to the Editor 
Refuse Blair on Homosexual Adoption, Uphold Unalienable Rights

Re: Triumph of the Secular Will: Homosexual Adoption and the Loss of English Liberties

Jan. 30, 2007 -- What right has Blair's government to repudiate the Magna Carta's "The Church shall be free" and impose "The Church must bow to Blair”?

The Blair government's directive is equivalent to Caesar's requiring Christians to burn incense to Caesar, or Antiochus' forbidding Jewish worship and requiring the Maccabees to slaughter a pig to Zeus.
Archbishop Stephen Langton roused the Barons to end King John's pillaging the Church, and requiring him to sign the Magna Carta, preserving rights for there to be any payment of taxes.

The Seven Bishops went to prison, holding to their right to refuse to proclaim the King's directive contrary to conscience. The jury's acquittal led Parliament preserving the right to petition in the English Bill of Rights.

The only way to preserve our "ancient liberties" is for Christians to collectively refuse to obey Blair's directives and uphold the unalienable right to obey conscience above government decree.

Call on Parliament to uphold the Magna Carta, the Bill of Rights, and require Blair's government to provide alternatives for conscience for every government mandate.

So in the U.S., Christians have the responsibility to uphold the right of conscience over political correctness, "hate speech," "sexual orientation," and "political speech."

The U.S. War of independence was led by the "Black Regiment" -- the pastors championing liberty.

We have to right the wrongs of Lyndon Johnson's muzzling the church's prophetic voice thru IRS speech regulations over nonprofit organizations.
Call on your Representatives and Senators to restore freedom of speech to houses of worship.

-- David L. Hagen, Goshen, Ind.



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