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Monday, March 16, 2009

"I Pledge Allegiance to Obama"?

By Rick Pearcey • March 16, 2009, 04:49 AM

Sweetness and Light has noticed "Obama's (Highly Creepy) 'Pledge Project'," complete with training videos and a commitment to "I'm asking you to believe." 

Says S&L:

Anyone who is a student of totalitarian regimes, especially Nazi Germany, should recognize this tactic. Mr. Obama has organized his own cadre of Brown Shirts (or, if you prefer, Red Shirts) to agitate for his agenda.

Mr. Alinsky would be proud. And rightly so. For this is simply the continuation of Mr. Obama’s perpetual campaign. A campaign, as we noted at the time, that was modeled on Saul Alinsky’s organizing principles.

Of course, Alinsky, had modeled his methods on the great communist and/or fascist agitators of the past. Hence, the unsettling resemblance to Soviet-style and Nazi Germany agit-prop.

If you think audacious initiatives such as this violate the mission statement of the the United States of America, you're right. "Pledge Projects" or any move that smacks of loyalty oaths to individual leaders, or to a secularistic Washington-centrism for that matter, have nothing to do with the liberating unity and diversity under our true and knowable Creator currently banished by the "faith" agenda of the paternalistic power establishment. The secular state is not God, and Barack Obama is not his prophet.

"Another polarizing move from Barack Obama," writes Thomas Lifson. "His permanent campaign is organizing a political organization loyal to him, bound by a pledge, outside the government and existing party apparatus. The historical precedents are ominous."

Hat Tip: American Thinker.