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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Obama Science Czar: Born Baby "Will Ultimately Develop Into a Human Being"

By Rick Pearcey • July 28, 2009, 02:20 PM

"President Obama’s top science adviser said in a book he co-authored in 1973 that a newborn child 'will ultimately develop into a human being' if he or she is properly fed and socialized," reports Terry Jeffrey at CNSNews.com.
Jeffrey highlights the following quote from Human Ecology: Problems and Solutions, coauthored by John P. Holdren, who is director of the White House Office of Science and Technology:

The fetus, given the opportunity to develop properly before birth, and given the essential early socializing experiences and sufficient nourishing food during the crucial early years after birth, will ultimately develop into a human being.

"Holdren co-authored the book with Stanford professors Paul R. Ehrlich and Anne H. Ehrlich. The book was published by W.H. Freeman and Company," writes Jeffrey.

The implications of this low view of human life are profound and disturbing.

Imagine, for example, how cost-efficient government-run healthcare might become if by the end of life, people who were once human beings can now be classified by compassionate federal bureaucrats with Ph.D.s as no longer developmentally human, having lost through age, disease, and lessened social contact the requisite criteria to quailfy as humanity.

Billions upon billions of dollars might be saved if Moms and Dads across the land can simply be unplugged, dehydrated, rounded up, or liquidated in some other budget-saving fashion. Imagine the savings for Social Security. Then imagine the uplifting speeches from a smiling president before a ga-ga crowd of slavish media and citizen drones.

The only catch: Government will have taken the place of the Creator, and human beings made in the image of the real Creator will rebel.

The inhumanity of Obama's science czar is already among us in the rivers of blood known as abortion. It is a slaughter of decency and humanity for which feminists, judges, and secularized politicians will be held accountable.

How to avoid widening and deepening the inhumanity? Return the federal government to its Constitutional limits and liberate the American people on the basis of Declarational principles. There is a Creator who gives unalienable rights, and any entity that seeks to usurp his place is an idol that no free-thinking person need obey. 

In the real America, you have value and significance and worth because of who you are as created in the image of God.

Government is instituted among men to protect that, not to destroy it, not to find some clever way around it, and certainly not to liquidate those who resist secular inhumanity as free and noble beings created in the image of God.  

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