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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Time to Revolt: Duke "Gay" Rape Case Elicits Silence

By Rick Pearcey • July 1, 2009, 01:46 PM

"A professor of criminology at the University of North Carolina-Wilmington says the outrage over a homosexual statutory rape case at Duke University is a deafening sound of silence," reports OneNewsNow.

"Frank Lombard, associate director of Duke University's Center for Health Policy, has been accused of molesting his adopted five-year-old African-American son and offering him up for sex with strangers on the Internet," OneNewsNow continues. "Lombard's homosexual partner, who resides in the same house with Lombard, was allegedly unaware of the activities."

Regardless of the legal outcome of this Duke case, it seems crucial to understand that what you have in the homosexual rape and degradation of an adopted black "son" by a white "gay" "parent" is not an aberration, if one accepts and authentically applies the basic presuppositions intrinsic to the homosexualist worldview.  As an example of the moral confusion and capitulation that results from such a view, please see, "Faggot Easy to Defend -- Surprising Help From Secular America."

The attempted sodomization of American society by the forces of monosexist philosophy, with logical certainty, leads to harm for families, parents, and innocent children oppressed by the powers that be. As such, it is an ideological plague affecting society at large and is not limited to private choices among "consenting adults," a moral fiction created and admired for its temporary ability to cover a multitude of sins. 

The cries and screams of homosexually raped children might indicate to some -- willing to think freely outside the confines of secular orthodoxy -- that the "gay" lifestyle is a poor and unfortunate choice, a syndrome in need of healing, not a condition in need of codification. True rebels will hear and respond. The others can speak out courageously as Tinseltown reactionaries celebrated at the Academy Awards.

An insensitive, nonempathetic, and collaborative media may prefer to remain silent in the face of inconvenient facts and of perversity carefully wrapped in the language of "rights" and pretended absolutes created to advance the propaganda needs of the hour, week, year, decade, or generation. However, as the failed Soviet Union eventually learned, truth will win out, even if a "Vichy" press continues to die a slow, agonizing death in violation of its constitutional and humane calling to report the facts and let the chips fall where they may. Meanwhile, other voices will rise up.  

There is hope for a destiny not imagined by ideological tyrants who roam the land, not considered by the priests of culture and celebrities of now who preach a cruel tolerance of "love" without limits, an open door to slime and hate. The slaves and the oppressed can be set free of a behavior and philosophy beneath the dignity and wonder of the individual human being -- man, woman, and child; red and yellow, black and white -- created in the image of a loving and forgiving God in a moral universe. This is a Creator who endows the individual with inalienable rights and calls all of us to a higher, more humane way.

And because there is love, there also is accountability, judgment, and intervention. And a way to tell the truly liberating difference between God-given diversity and love-denying perversity. All of which is intolerable, of course, to those who prefer the oh-so-"free" "love without limits" company of kids.

The innocence of our children is crying out. Do we have ears to hear, a mind to think, a will to revolt? There is much to do. Much to say. Duke is as good a place as any to make a stand.

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