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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Hollywood Turning Against Obamacare

By Rick Pearcey • January 14, 2010, 06:00 AM

"Alec Baldwin, award winning actor and wannabe leftist political commentator, called on Congress to sink congressional health care legislation today, saying he would rather the federal government 'put a Major Oil Company Out of Business,' according to the headline of his column at the Huffington Post," writes Lachlan Markay at Newsbusters.

"Baldwin isn't the only liberal entertainer calling for the death of ObamaCare. Plans to tax so-called 'Cadillac' health care plans -- or the most expensive insurance plans -- have riled up some key Democratic supporters. The Teamsters Union and the AFL-CIO have protested, but now objections are also being raised by Hollywood's biggest unions."