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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Mark Levin and "The Book That Changed America"

By Rick Pearcey • November 9, 2010, 07:56 AM

Jeffrey Lord writes at American Spectator:

It isn't often that a book -- any book, even a popular, bestselling book like Mark Levin's Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto -- can be said to have changed the course of American politics and history. The phenomenon is rare, extremely rare, usually taking both the country and even the author by surprise.

Yet Levin's book has done just that, saluted by Minnesota Republican Congresswoman Michele Bachmann in an exclusive talk with The American Spectator as "providing [the] intellectual balance and foundation" of the Tea Party movement. A movement that stands triumphant this week in the wake of the conservative landslide that Levin himself believes can revitalize the conservative cause that Ronald Reagan once led to the White House.

Comment: This is a terrific article. One caveat: America has not yet changed, and so we are jumping the gun to say this book, as incisive and timely as it is, has "changed America."

Last week an election was won. As I told our teenage son, that election was the most important of his life thus far. However, it was still merely an election. Followup is needed, and it will be followup against an inertia of institutionalized and enculturated statism that has been with us with growing force since the 1960s.

Already this week, we do not hear as much from victorious Republicans about the Constitution and the Declaration, even though especially at this moment in American history, we absolutely need to frame our politics and policies in terms of the Declaration and Constitution -- the only vision known to humanity to have the resources needed to give the balance and the basis for both form and freedom in society. There remains much electoral, political, intellectual, and cultural work to be done.

Last week's victory opened a window of opportunity to reestablish America upon her Constitutional and Declarational principles. Levin's Liberty and Tyranny has played -- and is playing -- a central role in returning our nation to the defining and enduring American mainstream, outside of which all else is extreme. Liberty and Tyranny is helping to change America and that, in and of itself, is a tremendous accomplishment. 

Levin's Liberty and Tyranny No. 1 at Amazon 
How the New Resistance Can Win the Culture War