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Monday, August 6, 2012

Wheaton College Wants Relief From Obamacare Abortion Drugs

By Rick Pearcey • August 6, 2012, 12:56 PM

Bob Kellogg reports at OneNewsNow:

A Christian college is seeking emergency relief to halt the Health and Human Services mandate requiring the school to cover the cost of abortion-inducing drugs in its health plan.

On January 1, Wheaton College will have to begin offering abortifacients as part of the employee health insurance. Since abortion is against the school's religious beliefs, Kyle Duncan of The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty reports that officials are asking the court for a preliminary injunction.

"We've asked for an expedited hearing in that case in early September, and we are waiting to hear word from the court on how it's going to proceed," Duncan details.

Wheaton College should not, of course, be forced by the federal government to fund any kind of inhumanity, including abortion inhumanity.

The mainstream humane position, freedom position, Christian position, factual position, and American position all stand squarely and centrally on the side of life. Even the life of "the least of these" who are not politically connected or ideologically useful.

Instead, we are witnessing a force-fed extremism that alienates human beings from our enduring calling to live in liberating community with God and man.

Federal authoritarianism -- whether sought by Obama or enabled by Republicans -- is rightfully exposed, rejected, and replaced for the gross inhumanity for which it stands.

Rather than the federal government seeking to impose the private values of inhumane and secularized elites, the American people ought to impose upon the federal government norms and practices consistent with the Constitution, the Declaration, and the Creator who is the center of gravity of human freedom.