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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

DNC Video: "Gov't Is the Only Thing That We All Belong To"

By Rick Pearcey • September 4, 2012, 06:55 PM

What an offensive, demeaning proposition spouted in this video: Belonging to "the government."

This is additional evidence that the Democrat Party stands outside and even against the enduring mainstream of what defines America.

As the U.S. mainstream is defined in the Declaration and Constitution, it's "We the People," under God -- that is, in liberating community with the Creator by whom we are endowed with unalienable rights.

The Creator, and not the state, is the center of gravity of human freedom. Washington-centrism is an offense to the human spirit.

Memo to Democrat Party: "The government" belongs to us. As free-thinkers we can decide, under God, how to arrange our lives -- as individuals, as families, as neighborhoods, as communities, as towns, as counties, as states, and as a nation.

The federal government is merely one of the many governments in the United States. And again, it belongs to us. We do not belong to it.

Hat tip: Shannon Bream