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Monday, January 27, 2014

YouTube: Trailer for D'Souza's New Film "America"

By Rick Pearcey • January 27, 2014, 12:02 PM

Paul Bond writes at The Hollywood Reporter:

The filmmakers behind Dinesh D'Souza's upcoming doc have vowed to press on while their star defends himself after his indictment on federal charges that he violated campaign finance laws in 2012.

On Sunday, they released a trailer for the move, America, that is set for release on July 4. . . . ["being released in time for the 4t of July," D'Souza says in the trailer].

In America, D'Souza -- who wrote and produced the film -- makes the claim that 1960s radical leftism is more or less indistinguishable from current mainstream liberalism, a doctrine that he says preaches the United States is the product of "stealing and plunder" from Native Americans, Mexicans, and African-American slaves.

"I want to take this progressive, leftist critique head on," D'Souza says in the trailer. The movie will include re-creations of some of the major events in American history.

"America is directed by John Sullivan and co-produced by Gray Frederickson, who won an Oscar for producing The Godfather Part IIand Gerald Molen, who won an Oscar for Schindler's List. D'Souza and Sullivan co-directed 2016: Obama's America," THR reports.

Click here to view the trailer (3 minutes, 1 second) on YouTube.

"Question Authority" should be the motto of every free-thinking American and of every free-thinking human being.

If this documentary lives up to what is promised in the trailer, it should be a very powerful treatment more than a little worrisome to the Obama administration and its allies in media, Hollywood, politics, and academy. "Test everything."

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