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Monday, March 10, 2014

Palin Celebrates "Duck Dynasty" at CPAC: "We Pushed Back and We Won"

By Rick Pearcey • March 10, 2014, 08:43 AM

"Sarah Palin left no stone unturned" during her CPAC keynote address last weekend, writes Jennifer Burke at TPNN, "even addressing the victory
. . . in the case of Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson vs. the anti-Christian and politically correct police from the left. In doing so, she exposed the hypocrisy of the left."

Burke quotes from Palin's remarks:

They claim to want tolerance and open debate. But their goal is to shut anyone up who doesn’t toe their line.

Phil Robertson, our buddy from Duck Dynasty. Here’s Phil talking about faith with a reporter from GQ. (First mistake) In between saying he loves humanity, he loves all sinners and leave it to God to judge, he quoted the Bible. He got colorful in expressing his opinion.

They fired the devout Christian for expressing his devout Christian views on a television show about his devout Christian family because nothing is ever wrong on cable TV.

In another time, Phil might have stayed fired. But not this time. People all over America knew that Phil’s right to express himself was our right. We pushed back and we won. And now everyone is happy, happy, happy.

To read more from "Pure Tea: Sarah Palin Crushes Ruling Class in Both Parties at CPAC 2014," by Jennifer Burke, go here.

View Palin's keynote address here.

Missy Robertson: "Taking a Stand for Christianity in a Public Way" 
Quack! Earth Needs Men Who Stare at Ducks and Women 
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