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Monday, October 20, 2014

Paris Opera Expels Veiled Woman During Performance

By Rick Pearcey • October 20, 2014, 11:10 AM

AFP reports:

France's government is drawing up a new set of rules for theatres after the Paris Opera ejected a woman for wearing a veil during a performance, the institution's deputy director said Sunday.

The incident took place when a veiled woman was spotted on the front row of a performance of La Traviata at the Opera Bastille, Jean-Philippe Thiellay told AFP, confirming a media report.

"France brought in a law in 2011 banning anyone from wearing clothing that conceals the face in a public space, or face a 150 euro ($190) fine," AFP reports.

"The spectator and her companion -- tourists from the Gulf, according to MetroNews -- were asked to leave by an inspector during the interval," the AFP report continues.

"He told her that in France there is a ban of this nature, asked her to either uncover her face or leave the room. The man asked the woman to get up, they left," Thiellay is quoted as saying.