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Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Hypocrisy & Hate: Smug Attacks on the Confederate Flag

By Rick Pearcey • June 24, 2015, 07:05 AM

George Neumayer writes at American Spectator:

The hate on display in the controversy is coming not from the flag's defenders but from a smug liberal elite that can’t rest until every inch of America conforms to their liberal prejudices. . . . 

Only the liberal elite could be smug enough to think America is moving from a culture of "hate" to a culture of love under its dictates.

Instead, it is moving toward a new culture of hate, one that is marked not by balanced moral judgments but by fanatical fiats.

"'We are on the right side of history,' its champions claim, but future generations will likely find such deluded moral boasting as far less honorable than the Civil War valor the Left seeks to erase," Neumayer concludes.

#Blacklivesmatter Protests Confederate Flag by Burning American Flag
. . . "Showing which flag is really their target"