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Thursday, August 20, 2015

Video: Trump, Politically Correct Reporter Spar Over "Offensive" Term "Anchor Baby"

By Rick Pearcey • August 20, 2015, 11:10 AM

"Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump debated the use of the term anchor baby with a reporter at a press conference in New Hampshire on Wednesday," Ian Hanchett reports at Breitbart.com.

"Trump was asked, 'You said that you have a big heart, and that you're not mean-spirited. Are you aware that the term anchor baby, that's an offensive term? People find that hurtful'," Breitbart reports.

According to Breitbart, "Trump responded, 'You mean it's not politically correct, and yet everybody uses it?' He then suggested the reporter give him a different term to use, to which the reporter suggested, 'The American-born [children] of undocumented immigrants.' Trump said in response, 'I’ll use the word anchor baby'."

Comment: Well done, Donald. I, for one, am a bit "offended" that "journalists" seem to think their job is to pose as reporters while helping to impose a regime of political correctness -- which is little more than propaganda serving the dictatorship of an oppressive secular progressive elite.

Please, Mr. and Missus reporter: Stop with the posturing and propaganda. Instead, try serving human freedom and dignity by being honest reporters. You want "change"? That would be a massive advance in positive change.

Read the story and watch the video here.