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Monday, June 25, 2018

Establishment & Social Media Giants Fail to "Fact Check" Time Mag's Refugee Hoax Cover

By Rick Pearcey • June 25, 2018, 11:49 AM

Allum Bokhari writes at Breitbart:

There are many examples of bias at Facebook, Twitter, Google and the purportedly impartial "fact-checking" organizations they now rely on, but one of the best ways to reveal the naked partisanship hiding under their masks is to look at what they don’t fact-check.

Last week, Time ran a now-infamous cover featuring President Trump looming over a crying immigrant child. The picture of the crying child had already been shared hundreds of thousands of times on social media amid left-wing outrage over what the media has called a "family separation policy" at the border.

"The cover, the Time story that accompanied it, and the original image that spread on social media, were misleading in every way," Bokhari continues.

"As Time now admits, the child wasn't 'carried away screaming' by border patrol agents. They were kept together. The child wasn't crying because she was separated from her mother -- she was, in her mother's own words, simply “'ired and thirsty.' Moreover, the child's father says her mother was seeking a job in America, and not 'fleeing violence' in Honduras as some claimed," Bokhari writes.

Read more.