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Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Dennis Prager: Mitt Romney Fails Again

By Rick Pearcey • January 8, 2019, 11:16 AM

Prager writes at Townhall:

The first public thing Mitt Romney did in the year 2019 -- on Jan. 1 -- was publish an attack on President Trump in the Washington Post, which, as we know, has not lacked for attacks on Trump.

He did not even wait until being sworn in, two days later.

I campaigned for Sen. Mitt Romney when he ran for president, including a closed-door meeting with him to raise funds among wealthy Los Angeles Republicans. As it turns out, I worked to elect a somewhat foolish man with few identifiable convictions. (For the record, I would do so again, since just about any Republican president will do less damage to the country than any leftist -- and Democratic politicians are now all leftists.)

Life is filled with disappointments, and I will survive this one. But I should explain why this Romney column is so disappointing. . . .

Read more here.

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